Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous Oxide (N₂O), also known as laughing gas or nitrous, is a chemical compound ‎comprised of Nitrogen and Oxygen. Nitrous Oxide’s boiling point is -88.5°C, and its ‎melting point is -90.8°C. At room temperature, it is a colorless non-flammable gas, with a ‎slight metallic scent and taste. Nitrous Oxide, similarly, to carbon dioxide, is categorized as ‎a greenhouse gas.‎‎

Nitrous Oxide is produced by:‎
Nitrous Oxide is produced by thermally decomposing a hot solution of Ammonium ‎Nitrate and Water, and the process occurs at a temperature of approximately 250°C to ‎‎255°C. The released gas during this process is subjected to a series of purification ‎processes to remove impurities. Once purified, the Nitrous Oxide gas is then liquified and ‎filled into the cylinders.‎‎

Some Applications of Nitrous Oxide:

      ⦿ Medical/Dental Patient Sedation
      ⦿ Food Propellant
      ⦿ Semiconductor Manufacturing's
      ⦿ Analytical Chemistry
      ⦿ Chemical Manufacturing
      ⦿ Automotive Racing Industry
      ⦿ Aerospace Industry
      ⦿ Fuel for transportation
      ⦿ Pharmaceutical industry Applications
      ⦿ Energy Production and Energy Carrier
      ⦿ Manufacturing Processes


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