

Argon (Ar) is a chemical element that is in the 18th group of the periodic table. ‎Therefore, it is considered a noble element. It is a monatomic and a chemically inert ‎element. The melting point of argon is -189.2°C, and its boiling point is -185.9°C. ‎Argon is also the third most abundant element in Earth’s atmosphere, as it makes ‎up roughly 0.9% of the Earth’s atmosphere. Argon is colorless, odorless, tasteless, ‎non-corrosive, non-flammable, and non-toxic.‎‎

Some Applications of Argon:‎

      ⦿ Agricultural Equipment
      ⦿ Metals Industry Production and processing
      ⦿ Electronics Packaging, Assembling, and Testing
      ⦿ Industrial processes
      ⦿ Oil/Gas production
      ⦿ Medical applications
      ⦿ Glass production
      ⦿ Product Preservative
      ⦿ Laboratory and Analytical Processes
      ⦿ Lighting Industry


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